Solvent Rx
For Solvent Based Sealer Repair & Clean-Up
- Repairs Imperfections: May Eliminate the Need to Strip a Project with Sealer Imperfections
- Removes Over-spray & Excess Sealer: Improves the Appearance of a Surface with Over Applied Sealer
- Solvent Based Sealer Stripper: Strips Away Solvent Based Sealer without Surface Damage
- Cleans Tools & Sprayers: Makes Clean Up Easy for Tools Used with Solvent Based Sealers
Solvent Rx is a ready-to-use product ideal for removing and repairing solvent based sealer and imperfections such as squeegee and roller marks, overlap streaks, over-application, over-spray and trapped water vapor (white spots/cloudiness) on surfaces where a solvent based sealer was applied. It also can be used for cleaning tools and solvent-based sprayers.
Solvent Rx is not appropriate for use with water based and silane/siloxane sealers.
FOR USE WITH SOLVENT BASED SEALERS ONLY. Repairs and removes excess solvent based sealer and imperfections. Can be used for cleaning tools and sprayers used for solvent based sealer application.
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Solvent Rx Helpful Information
When using Solvent Rx, wear protective nitrile gloves, clothing, eye or face protection.
When using Solvent Rx as a sealer stripper, it may be necessary to manage rinse water containing old sealer and Solvent Rx by reclamation to prevent run-off into storm sewer. Small scale projects can be dammed and residue removed with a shop vac. Large projects or volume of residue can be removed with a reclamation unit.
TEST FIRST: Before using Solvent Rx, test on a small inconspicuous area following the usage guidelines to determine the suitability for removing the desired sealer, repairing the imperfection and required dwell time needed for effectiveness. Dwell time will be determined by volume of sealer to be removed. Allow test area to dry thoroughly before evaluating final appearance and results.
Solvent Rx Repair Methods for Solvent Based Sealer Imperfections:
Rinse Method (for altering the sealer appearance without removing all of the sealer) – Pour or spray Solvent Rx onto the solvent based solvent based sealer imperfection. Let dwell and keep wet with Solvent Rx for approximately 15 minutes (dwell time based on your pre-test). Do not touch the Solvent Rx on the surface when it is wet. Let dry naturally or use a blower or fan to speed up the drying process.
Roller Method (for removing or redistributing excess sealer without removing all of the sealer) – Pour or spray Solvent Rx onto the solvent based sealer imperfection. Let dwell and keep wet with Solvent Rx for approximately 15 minutes (dwell time based on your pre-test). Roll a slit-foam roller over the imperfection to spread and/or remove excess solvent based sealer. Let dry naturally or use a blower or fan to speed up the drying process.
Wipe Method (for removing minor/superficial sealer imperfections in small areas such as roller marks or tire tracking) – Pour or spray Solvent Rx onto a clean white rag. Blot, wipe or scrub the solvent based sealer imperfection with the Solvent Rx soaked rag. Let dry naturally or use a blower or fan to speed up the drying process.
Solvent Rx Stripping Method for Solvent Based Sealer Removal:
Stripping Method (for sealer removal from the surface): Spray Solvent Rx onto a surface where a solvent based sealer needs to be removed. Let dwell and keep wet with Solvent Rx for approximately 15 minutes (dwell time based on your pre-test). Use a pressure washer with wand or flat surface cleaner to agitate and remove the Solvent Rx and sealer from the surface. Rinse thoroughly. (See ‘Preparation’ instructions regarding management of rinse water and Solvent Rx). Let dry naturally or use a blower or fan to speed up the drying process.
Solvent Rx Solvent Based Sealer Tool Clean Up Instructions:
Tool Clean Up: Soak tools in Solvent Rx (spray wands, nozzles, paint shields and other equipment). If necessary scrub with stiff bristle brush. Let dry naturally.
Sprayer Clean Up: Empty sprayer of all remaining solvent based sealer. Pour Solvent Rx into sprayer and tighten lid. Shake sprayer several times and spray all of the Solvent Rx into a container for proper disposal. To clean the outside of the sprayer, pour Solvent Rx onto a clean rag and wipe the sprayer. Let the rag dry before disposing of it properly.